Protecting Children

Protecting Children and Vulnerable Young Adults
The contents within this page of the website are not designed to cause unnecessary concern but, provide better awareness and guidance to protecting children from the dangers and risks of being bullied or abused.
Signs that a young person may have fallen prey to a county lines gang are:
Are they always going missing from school or their home?
Are they travelling alone to places far away from home?
Do they suddenly have lots of money/lots of new clothes/new mobile phones?
Are they receiving much more calls or texts than usual?
Are they carrying or selling drugs?
Are they carrying weapons or know people that have access to weapons?
Are they in a relationship with or hanging out with someone/people that are older and controlling?
Do they have unexplained injuries?
Do they seem very reserved or seem like they have something to hide?
Do they seem scared?
Are they self-harming?
Children may be likely to become victims of abuse within the home, or in some circumstances with someone they actually know. They can appear to be just as traumatised with being subjected to observing domestic violence just as they may in instances of been abused themselves.
Instances were a child may being bullied...
Bullying may be defined from that of another individual whom is purposely causing hurtful or harmful behaviour that is conducted repeatedly or on a regular basis.
A child may not necessarily be direct in coming forward or telling you there is a problem. They may merely begin to show evidential signs such as headaches, irritability, anxiety or showing an unwillingness to attend school.
Should you notice a child is beginning to show the signs, symptoms or characteristics related to that of what mentioned you should try approaching it with discretion that you do not distress the child further but, they feel at ease talking it through with you.
Topics you may consider as a point of tackling the problem may be...
• Their progress within the school environment like class work.
• Friends at school.
• What activities they participate in during lunch or break times (socialising, playing).
• What problems or difficulties they may be experiencing.
Discovering that a child may or is being bullied can be very upsetting, should you be placed in this position try talking calmly with them about exactly what is occurring.
When talking it through...
• Taking note of precisely what they are telling you is occurring. Where, when and how often?
• Always in all instances ensure the child they are in the right by telling you.
• Talk immediately with the school of your concerns regarding the child. Also, tell the child once the school is aware to not hide further incidents but, to immediately tell a teacher.
Guidance from Professional Bodies...
A National Charity working towards the prevention of bullying and child sexual abuse is Kidscape.
Recommendations made by them to keep your children safe...
• Children should always be comfortable knowing their bodies belong to them. Especially, private parts covered by their swimsuits.
• Always provide children with the assurance that they have every right to say NO should anyone attempt to cause them hurt. Discourage a common saying that in all instances the child must always do what an adult tells them.
• Bullies often pick on those whom they feel are less likely to re-act back, which makes them easier targets and far more vulnerable. Encourage children to approach friends to assist them, and say NO without getting into a confrontation or fight with another.
Tell them to always inform an adult. Also, outline should they be in a compromising position were a bully demands something belonging to them, let them have it rather than risk a problem. Say you will not be annoyed if you discover they return without it and, that you can tackle that side afterwards.
• Always tell children you will not be annoyed with them if they inform you of a problem. Provide them with the assurances they need to be up-front with you.
• Should a child approach you for help and guidance, they must be left assured that they are going to be believed and supported. This is more essential in cases were a child may state something relating to sexual assault.
• Child abusers often will say or tell the child what is going on has to be 'our little secret' or similiar phrased wording.
Assure the child in all instances such secrets should NEVER be kept!
Even, if they were told they must!
You should discourage forcing a child hug or kiss another.
• Always tell the child they have every right to say NO to someone touching or kissing them if they don't like it.
Also, always tell them to inform you should anyone touch them then says to keep it a secret from others.
• More than likely in most instances any decent person will not approach or speak with a child whom is on their own, unless of course in instances were a child may be lost or distressed.
Always inform children NEVER talk to strangers, and politely discourage and ignore approaches by strangers. Should they ever be approached by a strangers encourage them to tell you.
• Give assurances to children there are certain instances were it is perfectly acceptable for them to break rules in the interests they stay safe.
• In some cases it is rightful for them to run away, scream, lie or kick to get out of a dangerous situation.
• In the event where you know or discover a child is at immediate risk of harm -Always Dial 999.
• Alternatively, in the event were an incident may of already taken place, or their is a possibility it may take place in the future.
Please call your Local Authority Children Services Department for appropriate guidance.
Wembley Crime Prevention works in partnership with local agencies such as Grandma's Hands & Judith Jane Child Development Consultancy that protect the interests of children.
We remain dedicated with others to supporting initiatives that prevent risk of harm.
Keith Harwood
Wembley Crime
All of our Executive Officers and Team Officers receive
Child Protection Training with Certification.