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Esports job spotlight: PRO Gamer

Professional Esports athletes – or pro gamers – are players at the top of their field. But what does it take to become a pro? We ask Martin “Rekkles” Larsson, who plays for UK-based organisation Fnatic…Pro gamers are usually signed to a particular team and will compete in different tournaments for prize money.They often start off in amateur or grassroots tournaments – or reach the higher rankings within a particular game – before catching the attention of bigger teams.Players will need to get along with their teammates, work with the manager, coaches and analysts, and may be required to fly all over the world to take part in competitions. They may also need to take part in sponsor or partner initiatives, journalist interviews and fan meet and greets, while upholding a professional manner and meeting other requirements as outlined in their contracts.


What are the hours like?

Players are required to put in many, many hours in order to reach – and stay at – the top level.

It’s not unusual for players to put in 16 hours of practice in a single day. At the same time, with a young retirement age (anything from the mid to late twenties), it’s important for the player to look after themselves, stay fit and healthy, and avoid burnout.

What can players expect to earn?

Wages vary, but the world’s top pros can potentially earn hundreds of thousands of pounds per annum taking into consideration their wage, sponsorship deals and prize winnings.

The world’s greatest players have earnt more than $1 million in winnings to date.

Amateur-level players may not receive a set wage or even a contract, instead they will usually take a share of the prize pool from any tournaments they participate in. Playing at a lower level can also give them valuable experience and contacts that could help develop their career.


If you’re a student aged 12+ interested in taking part in the upcoming British Esports Championships for schools, colleges or Alternative Provision schools, here’s some of the key info you need to know.

There’s info here on how to enter, what you should tell your teacher(s) about the Championships, Twitch Student details and so on.

Read our article: What students need to know

Twitch Student Program

The Twitch Student Program helps schools, colleges and universities learn how to stream so that friends, parents and others can watch their matches and other gaming activities live online. It’s integrated within the British Esports Championships so that colleges and schools can gain access to it and its benefits.

Read more in the official Twitch Student deck here:


Recent Tournaments


Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - Europe                           $800,000.00

Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - NA East                          $600,000.00

ECS S7 - Finals                                                                          $500,000.00

Masters Tour 2019 Las Vegas                                                   $492,823.00

StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor Season 2                            $300,000.00

PUBG Champions League 2019 - Spring                                 $275,099.28

Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - NA West                         $200,000.00

National PUBG League - Phase 2                                              $200,000.00

Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - Asia                                $150,000.00

Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - South America              $150,000.00

2019 Le Mans Esports Series Super Final                              $100,000.00

Dreamhack Pro Circuit: Dallas 2019                                        $100,000.00

Fortnite World Cup 2019 - Week 9 - Oceania                          $100,000.00

Allied Esports Vegas Minor 2019                                              $75,000.00

Moche XL Esports 2019                                                             $75,000.00

PMCO Spring - Europe                                                               $71,000.00

KSL Season 3 2019                                                                   $70,480.00

GLL LATAM Masters - Phase 2                                                  $50,000.00

ESL Mistrzostwa Polski - Spring 2019 (CS:GO)                       $47,707.20

China Team Championship 2019 Season 1                             $44,400.00

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