Why mindfulness and emotional intelligence is a way to deal with diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health disorder like anxiety, depression and mood disorders!
I'm not a religious person but have you ever heard family, a friend, colleague or stranger say that they are blessed? I would say the same for me for having had amazing teachers that were strict and demanding in giving and expecting the highest possible standards of professionalism when it comes to education. They all had a wicked sense of humour so learning was fun. It's odd but I I would never have thought that I would find reading the latest books ad research papers exciting or being anything but useful for going to sleep. But we live in an information age. A weird way to say that I am lazy, yes lazy, I love the idea that there is less hard work when you do the hard work to start with. I like being able to teach and relax knowing that I am reasonably up to date on what I am telling you. That I have checked out the facts for myself and can point you to check out the facts for yourself also.
Having been trained in mindfulness by teachers from Oxford and Aberdeen universities and attended Oxford university for training in mindfulness. For both clinical and non clinical but secular mindfulness. These workshops are suited for anyone who is mental health care professional, anyone in th care profession, and anyone with undiagnosed and diagnosed disorders. The NHS now offers mindfulness exercises with cognitive therapy as an option from their talking therapies.
Being a trauma therapist, and more than likely you are also aware that there are such things as primary disorders, where you experienced trauma directly; ptsd or cptsd. Then secondary disorders where you experience trauma as a secondary experience; vicarious trauma/ptsd and compassion fatigue. That said, it is not the point I want to make, the point I want to make personally is that when I thought about compassion fatigue, people getting clinically burned out from looking after others. I then though can parents get compassion fatigue? Yes! It's called parenting stress fatigue. So Imagine growing up in a house where your parent or parents may or may not have experienced undiagnosed parenting fatigue directly or indirectly, and how others, including you and me, could have indirectly been affected as a secondary cause?
Understanding the clinical context of suffering helps you to personally and professionally be less judgmental, analytical and critical of yourself and others, having a rational and clinical reason to quiet the inner critic, allowing you to be more compassionate towards yourself and others.
Feeling nervous, anxous, depressed
Nervousness has affected everyone, it sometimes has gotten so bad that it develops into a phobia, and a mental health disorder. I and many others, including you have suffered with our nerves at one point or another. I have helped family, friends and all my clients deal wih there nervesnous, anxiety, phobias, depression and mood disorders. Come along and find out what can be doe for you to have a better and happier life.