From 18 to 36 months, your child:
Uses 2 or 3-word sentences
Asks for help using words or actions
Can count and use new words
Understands shapes and sizes
Shows emotions and has mood swings or tantrums
Knows and responds to others' feelings
Wants approval and needs praise
Asks a lot of questions
Responds to requests, such as 'Get your coat'
Gradually uses 1 hand more than the other
Can walk up and down stairs
Can learn to ride a tricycle
Can run, climb, kick, and throw a ball
Dances to music
Tells stories, sings songs, and plays
Tries to do more independently
Helps with simple household chores, such as taking laundry out of the dryer
Has trouble sharing and says 'no' or 'mine'
Becomes familiar with routines
Recognizes and names familiar people
Shows interest in a new person, thing, or sound
Enjoys playing alone and near other children
By 36 months, enjoys pretend play with others
Shows an increased attention span
Solves problems by trial and error
Participates in group activities
Shows affection openly, such as hugging
Uses social language, such as please and thank you
Copies adult behaviours
Gets frustrated sometimes because they want to do more than they are able to do
Tries to be the boss but needs to know that parents set limits
Has a lot of fears and may have nightmares